Is Canned Tuna Healthy?
The short answer is yes! Not only is canned tuna healthier than boiled or raw tuna, it is also low in salt. In addition, the tuna has no fats or carbohydrates that make it perfect for weight-conscious individuals. There are even some low-sodium cans of tuna that are high in protein that is helpful for bodybuilding as well. How is it that tuna can be healthy when it has such a reputation for being high in fat and cholesterol? First, let's consider what causes high levels of cholesterol in fish. During their development, all fish contain more fat and cholesterol than other types of food. As the fish mature, these amounts decrease. However, some types of tuna have a faster rate of maturation, so they have higher levels of fats and cholesterol and tend to be more unhealthy for consumption. So why do people believe that tuna is bad? It's mostly because many people base their opinions on information given to them by television commercials about how bad bumblebee tuna is. (I'm n...